in Personal Finance

How I keep track of my expenses

Keeping track of my expenses allows me to understand where my money is going. Tracking my expenses also helps me reach my budget goals, which I set up early in the year. I love to keep things simple so in my budget, I only include the following line-items:

  • Housing (rent)
  • Groceries
  • Hobbies
  • Eating out
  • Traveling
  • Health
  • Transportation
  • Utilities
  • Remittances
  • Shopping
  • Baby
  • Other

I use Spendee to track all my expenses. I like it because it’s very easy for me to add any expense on the fly.

Whenever I buy something, I open the app, and manually input my expense. It’s not great but automation is not an option for me right now, and it’s not nearly as bad as you would think, for me, it’s now a habit, I don’t even think about doing it.

I like looking back every once in a while and understand where my money went.

I rarely overspend but if I do, rectifying is easy. It’s either a mistake in how I did my budget projections or I bought something I didn’t need. Rarely do I find myself buying something that I don’t need, so when this happens is usually a mistake in my budget projections.